Impact of British rule upon India and Indians both constitute
superior and appealing elements that still in use in present times.
Indian soldiers had joined the East India Company army solely
for the reason that they received salary on the first day of every month, very
much unlike the Indian emperors and their system of reign.
The very foremost impact of British rule on India was the religious
impact, as was established by the missionaries and their establishment of
churches in every possible corner of the country. In this regard, the port
cities like Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai gained enough importance, due to their accessibility
for navigational purposes.
From every field of living, be it in education, art,
architecture, painting, literature, poetry, drama, novels or even Indian
religion and philosophy, the whole Indian set-up had suffered a gradual change.
Their significant passionate pastimes, during late 19th
and early 20th centuries, appeared to be hunting animals and birds
in Indian jungles. As such the population of tigers, lions and elephants slumped
down because of indiscriminate hunting.
Amidst all these alarming states and conditions, the
imperial rule was compassionate enough to introduce European education in India. This
ground-breaking impact of British rule in India
truly has benefited India in
the long run, carving out a position of India in the world map.
The British had introduced the system of Railways (from
Mumbai to Thane at first) in a chain method, with whole of the country staying
witness to placing of railway track, railway platforms and railway carriages.
Indeed India’s
railways, postal services, legal and judicial systems and other
government-based services have all been derived primarily from the British
Even though the impact of British rule upon India has mostly
been adverse and affected the country negatively, there was still a feeble attempt
to maintain equilibrium in Indian society and the country as a whole.